Picture courtesy of From designyoudonttrust.tumblr.com
One of my favorite authors is Katie Fforde, I love all her books and have read them many times. I have also learned a lot about England and the way the Brits talk. At first it was confusing I'd be reading about a man wearing a jumper, thinking okay that's strange but thanks to the internet if I don't know what she's talking about I google and learn.
I've read about an English Fry's in her books and in other books so the other night besides the usual bacon, eggs and potatoes, we also added the beans and tomatoes. We did skip the black and white pudding even though my husband said he could make some but he meant chocolate and vanilla pudding. I never thought about beans and tomatoes with my bacon and eggs but it tasted pretty good and my 11 year old agreed.
We are Downton Abbey fans here too along with Jane Austen lovers, except for my husband and Jaime. I have traced my family back with a few coming from England and Wales or at least that is what it said on 1850 census, I haven't been able to trace it back any further. I need to make some time and see what I can find out.