Jaime's 8th birthday was Friday and Kaitlyn's 17th was Saturday, we also attended a friends birthday party at Wonderscope Friday night and Melissa went to a sleepover birthday party Friday night too.
I was hoping Jaime would want a Tea Party for her birthday but she wanted nothing to do with that idea. I was going to sew up some cute aprons and had a few other ideas but that came to a schreeching halt when she said "No I want a fondue party like Melissa" .
So we had a chocolate fondue/karokee/twister party. They had a lot of fun.

Jaime and Kaitlyn celebrated their birthday's at Grandma & Grandpa's on Sunday together for the first time. Previous years we did one on one Sunday and the other the next, we've also done one after lunch and the other a couple hours later. This worked out pretty good. Jaime choose a brownie cake and Kaitlyn wanted Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
We came home with at least four Webkinz to join the zoo we already have.
Now I realize why I hardly blog. I've deleted pictures and moved than and when I checked all the pictures were gone or doubled and than half of my post was deleted.