I made these prim gingerbread ornaments for a prim swap. I should have started a week earlier and than I would have made them darker but by the time they dried it was too late. So if any of the prim swappers are reading this coat them with more stain and spices. I used cinnamon and apple pie spices or you can have one fall in bacon grease by accident. ;-) after sending the ornaments I also realized I didn't use my tea dyed material. The blog that gave me the idea for the ornies is
Oodlekadoodle Primitives , except my ornaments look nothing like hers or what I wanted them too. I think I have it figured out now, my plan now is to make my pattern fatter, sew the two pieces with quilt batting on top and stain and rub with spices.

For the local AP group ornament swap, these are one set of ornaments I made, I'm still deciding on the other set. I found this tutorial to make the ornaments on this
blog. I found her blog from a link for her
cute macrame doll and that was what I was going to make, until my family called them skeletons, so I was thinking about how to dress them and stumbled upon her happy girl doll. I added a scarf to my ornaments. I need to keep a look out for colored hemp or twine and see if using that makes my dolls look more like dolls and not skeletons. :-)

I received this prim santa from another swap where we just made one prim ornament and mailed it to our secret swapper. Along with the ornie she also included a prim cake that smells wonderful. Thanks Lorna, I need to find your blog.
Hopefully soon I will upload the picture of the ornament I made for my swap partner.
In case your wondering yes I did finish all the posts today the 13th of November but that's how I roll. But at my house I'm always interrupted when I decided to blog so they set for awhile.