Amy enjoying her Kindle Fire.
Early this year I wrote on my calendar to mix up cookie dough and freeze. Last year I mixed everything the same day I baked it --that was a nightmare because I did it on Christmas Eve day.
This year I tried a new sugar cookie recipe and a new frosting recipe. This is the sugar cookie recipe-- I subbed gluten free baking mix in place of the flour and they came out wonderful! For cookie frosting I usually just used powdered sugar and milk, the difference when butter is added makes everything so much better.This is the recipe I used for the frosting- I looked up cream bouquet because I never heard of it. I went on to look up a recipe for that too- I only had vanilla and butter flavoring so I use that. I was very happy with the results.
I also made a six sister pb fudge and chocolate fudge recipe. I think the peanut-butter layer would have turned out better if I wasn't rushing to get to Star wars, it was still good. We waited to see it till our daughter who moved to Wisconsin made it back. I also made peppermint bark but I may skip it next year since I was the only one who eats it. If I decide to try again I want to try this recipe. Peanut butter balls are my all time favorite--I use Whole Foods peanut butter. I use to make it with the rice crispies filler but love it so much better without it. I also made death by chocolate cookies, they weren't as well liked. Peanut butter cookies were made with a recipe I found years ago. 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg and 1 tsp vanilla. I also made chocolate chip cookies, and Mexican wedding cookies.
We had a wonderful time eating, talking and just being together. Kaitlyn will be leaving in a few days so we're trying to get everything squeezed in we want to do. I didn't get many pictures without people turning there heads or holding there hands up. I'm hoping to get a few pictures of the girls together this weekend.