I hope everybody has a wonderful Easter Day! After church we're headed to my in-laws for Easter dinner. I'm making broccoli,cauliflower salad, strawberry spinach salad and hopefully a chocolate pie with a gluten free crust.
I replaced my phone since my screen was cracked and it wouldn't let me load pictures on Facebook that I downloaded on my computer to use on my blog.
These are my swap items that I received from Francine of Primitive Stars.
She sent this cute bunny and an antique Easter postcard along with this cute prim Easter basket.
Thanks so much Francine for all swap goodies! She also sent peeps but they were long gone by the time I took the picture.
I also was in an Easter swap on a FB prim page and here are the goodies I received from that swap.
I celebrated a birthday back on the 24th of March and Amy has started soccer. My 18 yr old received a Honors Scholarship from the local community college ---2 yrs of tuition paid and $500 towards her books each semester. She wants to be a midwife and hopes to get in the nursing program at the community college.
In May she will graduated from high school and my 23 yr old will graduate from K-State two days apart. It looks like the rest of April and May will be busy as each school squeezes in all the band concerts, awards ceremony, PTA events along with soccer practice and games. Happy Spring!