I was in Amy's Fall swap and my swap partner was Cindi from
Cindi's Corner. She sent a couple other things but I couldn't find them when I took the picture. Thanks Cindi!! It was fun doing the swap with you.
I'm the PTA president at my youngest daughters school this is the 2nd year and our last one at the local grade school. Between PTA and Girl Scout's and the rest of everyday life it keeps me busy, so I've neglected my blog.
Some of my fall decorating!
Part of our Girl Scout Troop making turkeys before cleaning tables at the community Thanksgiving dinner.
Amy as Pikachu and her friend as a minion for Halloween.
Neewollah Marching Band Festival-- My 16 yr old plays the clarinet in the band. This was the second year we have went and helped with lunch and dinner for the kids. It was a fun all day event.