To my husband who is a wonderful father to our daughters. As you can see from the pictures, in almost every picture someone isn't looking at the camera or is just being goofy. This is our family (minus Elizabeth who had to work), not perfect but our family.
Jim's dad and the girls-- goofy again.

All of us together, again goofy.
Blogger keeps turning the pictures sideways no matter what I do.
My dad died when I was 21 months so I don't have very many memories of him, I'm glad my mom took quite a few pictures.

My dad with his accordion.

My dad was in the National Guard, here he was at Fort Monmouth in Ocean port, New Jersey. He studied radio and than electronics. My grandma wrote on the back of the picture this was taken in the early 50's.

I love the picture of my brother and I climbing on our dad. Crank your head sideways. :-)
We had a nice day at Jim's parents --steak was on the menu and than cards afterwards.