Last night was bittersweet, Kaitlyn cheered at her last high school game. They recognized all the senior boys and girls basketball players, bowling team, drill team and the cheerleaders. All the parents escorted their senior out and they announced their plans for the future. It was nice catching up with parents we haven't seen lately. Kaitlyn went to grade school with some of the kids, others she met in middle school and others she played on the same team for softball and basketball. The cheerleader sponsors bought balloons and flowers for each senior cheerleader. They also had a poster with their cheer picture on it and a collage of cheer pictures. It is hard to imagine she's a senior and will be graduating this May. We enjoyed the game but the lady in front of Amy probably did not, Amy got a hold of Kaitlyn's balloons a couple of teams and hit her in the head. The 6 senior cheerleaders performed at halftime and than the senior drill team members performed.
It looks like our camera has been dropped one too many times, the pictures aren't very good.
Today I finally got my Trashy swap mailed out it was a lot of fun working on my projects. Now on to finish a play food swap with my local parenting friends.