Memorial Chapel

Historic House

The Rookery is the oldest house in Kansas, and has a colorful history. It is still inhabited today.

French cannons over Missouri River, Fort Leavenworth
Photos from From Leavenworth Public Affairs Flickr group
We have been going to the Fort Leavenworth Garage sale for over 20 years , we have missed a few but usually make sure we are there every April. I forgot to take my camera but found these pictures to share. It's the fun of the unknown-- what will we find today? My goal is try to be there at 6:00am I don't think that has ever happened, we usually show up between 6:30 and 7:00am. Creatures of habit we hit the same street but have found in the last few years we haven't found nearly the amount of goodies we use too. They have torn down and built a lot of new housing and I think that area no longer has the families living there. Next year we're changing it up. I did find shoes and clothes for Amy and a few things for Jaime and Melissa. I also found some items I bought for my prim swaps. I bought a blue lard bucket and an Anchor Hocking glass Early American Prescut Pattern small pitcher like the one my mom use to have. The lady I bought it from told me what it was called and that it was from the 60's. I knew nothing about it but was glad to find out.
I enjoy talking to the people having the sales and the other garage salers--it's a fun environment. The kids set up tables and sell cookies, muffins, cupcakes, water, pop and other stuff. One year we bought egg rolls that a lady was making and cooking in front of us. We usually don't leave till 2:00.
This year we stopped at the Queen's Pantry in Leavenworth. I was looking for some Golden syrup to make flapjacks. I love reading Katie Fforde books and in one of them the leading lady was making flapjacks. I was thinking pancakes but when I googled it it looks like similar to a granola bar. We were offered cupcakes and tea, in honor of the royal wedding which happened the day before, it was a nice shop and we had fun browsing around.