Today we are planning on placing flowers on my mom and dad's grave, the one thing I like about the cemetery on Memorial day weekend is all the flags and flowers. When my dad died I was almost two and we lived in Garland, Texas, he was buried in Gladstone, Missouri and we moved to that area soon afterwards. My mom was from North Missouri and her sister lived in Gladstone. I think of the time my brother, a neighbor and me (who was probably 3-4) walked to the cemetery which was through an open field behind our house. I can still see my mom driving slowly with the station wagon looking for us, we never walked up there again.
I have plans to get some work done around our house today, hopefully my husband is in agreement. ;-) Brats and burgers on the grill is on the menu.
I've finished all my swaps that are due in May and have a June swap halfway done. Now I need to concentrate on the two sessions I'm presenting at the La Leche League of Missouri Conference coming up this weekend in Columbia. The first one is "Finding your hidden Creativity" which I'm leading by myself, so I need to do the most work on that one. The second I'm co-presenting with another lady is "Cook Once-Dine Twice" it's a once a month cooking session, I'll be doing the cooking club part. I also have to get all the items for the group boutique and silent auction together. I'm sure I'll be half crazy by the time I'm through, but it will be well worth it for the enjoyment I'll get. Lu Hanessia will be speaking, I heard her two years ago and loved her. Here is a link to an article she wrote. She also has some really cool t-shirt, I love "Don't squash my spirit", "Sometimes I amaze myself", "Love doesn't spoil", " Unconditional" and one we all need to think about "Hang up and talk to me". She has many more listed here. I'm also looking forward to hearing Diana West and Dee Kassing speak along with other LLL Leaders on ways to help breastfeeding moms. One of the most rewarding times is reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. I've been involved with LLL for over 14 years and am so glad of all the friends I made and the path my mothering journey has taken. It's also wonderful to be surrounded with like minded people and not be the odd balls. :-)