I'm linking up with Patrice at Everyday Ruralty.
1. When you were a child, what age did you think was "OLD"?
30--- I also planned to not have any children after I turned 30, ha ha that didn't work out since I had 2 in my 30's and 1 in my 40's, along with my other 2.
2. How often do you have dessert?
Usually on Sundays when we go to my in-laws. Depending on what we have at home once or twice a week. How often do I eat chocolate candy? That is another question but not as often as I use too.
3. What's your favorite kind of exercise?
I enjoy walking but I also like working out with Denise Austin.
4.Do you watch movies on TV, movies from a rental or the library, or movies online?
Most of the time it's movies from the library, we also have some of my favorite Jane Austen dvr'd and a collection of other favorite movies we own.
5. Tell me something from your grandmother's or grandfather's house? I'm thinking something you saw all the time like a picture, clock, statue, teapot or something that was always there.
I can't imagine my grandmas house without her trusty treadle sewing machine, and the big round kitchen table that seated 8-10 people. My grandparents also had a clocked that chimed-- I remember laying in bed and counting the chimes.